Spencer is such a happy little boy (most of the time). He has lots of energy and when he smiles, he lights up the room. He sits in this boppy (borrowed from Colby and Ashley...THANKS!) in his pack n' play so he can be involved while I cook. Yup, that's right...the pack n' play is set up in our kitchen. We don't have a whole lotta room in our house, but it works.
Spencer does really well on his tummy. He loves rolling over and completes a 360! He is so active. He's always kicking, swatting, chatting, always moving unless he's asleep.
I sat him down on the couch so I could get ready to feed him and couldn't resist snapping this shot. He just looks like a little man.
Spencer had just woken up and was so content on his tummy. Sometimes I think he's asleep and he's just in there talking and enjoying himself.
And this was just a funny phase he went through. He had his tongue sticking out all the time, even when he was smiling. What a goof ball. But that phase has past. He is just growing and changing every day.
Eli, Coy, and Spencer hanging out at our family reunion. How lucky for them to be so close in age. It is so funny when we take these pictures because we have to keep their hands away from each others faces. How cute!