On our way home from Portalnd, about an hour and a half away from home, we got to see 3 moose off the hiway!
He has always been very flexible (I think it is because he was stuck like this is my belly for a while...I didn't have much room). He's pretty entertaining!
About an hour from Portalnd is Multnomah Falls. It is so amazing and comes out of nowhere. Great place to stop!
We hit the Rose Garden (free of charge) in Portland. Justin wasn't excited about it until we got there! I think the fine for picking a rose was $500! They are just to look at and to SMELL! It was amazing how beautiful each variety of rose was and how different each one smelled. I wish we could have stayed for much longer. It was a dream!
We went to the Portland Zoo! It was Spencer's favorite thing we did on our trip. He didn't whine or complain until we left. He was loving the animals and would just sit and watch them. He was amused and very entertained! What a great ZOO!
The Zoo did several shows throughout the day. The worst...wait...the coolest show was the bird show. We were on the front row and these HUGE birds (bald eagle, turkey vulture, owl, and hawk) would fly to posts and onto the stage. Their wings were literally inches from my head.